X-Cart Coupons & Promo Codes 2025
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About X-Cart
Serial entrepreneur covered by Forbes, Financial Times and Tech Crunch, Ruslan Fazlyev, one of X-Cart founders and board member, was driven by an idea of democratization of eCommerce since he founded X-Cart back in 2001. Dropped out of college to concentrate on X-Cart, and bootstrapped the company to over 100 employees in five years. X-Cart was the first downloadable PHP/MySQL shopping cart platform in the world, so the interest was growing incredibly fast, and so did the team, and their experience and expertise. Inspired by this success, they kept perfecting their X-Cart with enthusiasm.
Gross Merchandise Volume of X-Cart merchants in 2017 exceeds $2,500,000,000. More than 33,000 licensed X-Cart installations. Clients from 111 countries of the world, among them – CARiD, Baldinini, Xerox, Getting Things Done and Hitachi. They are also proud that the cloud eCommerce enablement company Ecwid, launched in 2009, roots back to X-Cart. Later Ecwid got separated into an independent company, with Russian being the CEO. With the technology the digital world has made it possible to spread your content all over and the Onlywire is one such medium where the content is submitted to the largest social networks to greatly increase exposure to your brand, products and services. Use Onlywire coupon code to get discounts on your first service.
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