ValueMags Coupons & Promo Codes 2025
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About ValueMags
Established in 1999, ValueMags is a member of the Better Business Bureau and is headquartered in Chicago. It has created the premiere website for ordering and renewing magazine subscriptions online. Their website provides customers with the best prices available, easy site navigation, and excellent service. ValueMags sells only fixed term magazine subscriptions. This means that they never automatically renew your subscription. ValueMags simply sends an email and you have the option to renew your magazine subscription.
ValueMags customers can choose from more than 1,200 magazine subscriptions and manage all of their magazine renewals with their MagsManager service. MagsManager is a free service that helps subscribers keep track of all your magazine subscription renewal dates - including those not purchased originally through - so there is never an interruption in service.They also have offers during special occasion like women's day for 100% satisfaction to their customers. If you are looking for books then BiggerBooks is a premier online textbook vendor specializing in highly discounted books and textbooks. They also offer exclusive discounts using coupon code.
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