Utrecht Art Supply Coupons & Promo Codes 2025


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Frugaa > Stores > : 6 Active Coupons Found

Hot Utrecht Art Supply Discount: Buy Utrecht Artists Watercolor set and get up to 67% off on selected range of colors from Utrecht Art Supply. Click site to know more. Don't miss this hot offer.

Promotional Utrecht Art Supply coupon code: Order for Utrecht Studio Series Stretched Cotton Canvas and get 50% off from original price at Utrecht Art Supply. Order now!

New Utrecht Art Supply free shipping offer: Receive up to 55% Off on Utrecht Art Supply Synthetic Blend Art Brush on ordering at Utrecht Art Supply. Order now!

Latest Utrecht Art Supply promo: Buy Utrecht Sketchbook from Utrecht Art Supply and get up to 50% off. Offer price varies based on the product. Check out now!

Exclusive Utrecht Art Supply Deal: Order for oil Paints of leading brands like Williamsburg, Golden and more with discount of up to 40% off only at Utrecht Art Supply. check out now!

Latest Utrecht Art Supply promo: Order for AMACO self hardening white pottery clay and get up to 34% off from Utrecht Art Supply. Offer valid still stock lasts.

About Utrecht Art Supply

it was New York City, 1949. Unable to find quality artists’ linen on this side of the Atlantic, artist Norman Gulamerian began importing fine linen from Europe with his brother, Harold. The two fledgling art supply sellers named their venture Utrecht Linens, Inc., The linen business took off, and the brothers decided to expand the Utrecht Art Supply. Harold put his chemistry degree to use developing the first formula for Utrecht Professional Acrylic Gesso. In 1958, they moved the business out of their basement and into Industry City (formerly Bush Terminal) in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where they had space to mill paint. Harold went on to create Utrecht Artists' Acrylics — one of the first acrylic lines in the world. Utrecht Artists' Oil Colors and Watercolors soon followed.

In April 2013, Utrecht became part of the Blick Art Materials family. In its third generation of family ownership, Blick is the largest and oldest provider of art supplies in the United States. Blick’s extensive selection, competitive prices, and superior customer service make it the choice for professional and amateur artists, art educators and more. They also provide coupon codes such as Dick Blick Art Materials coupon code and easy customer service for a happy shopping experience.
