Teleflora Coupons & Promo Codes 2025


For 78 years, Teleflora florists delivering beautiful flowers, plants and gift baskets. Over 18,000 member florists deliver fresh floral arrangements, plants and gift baskets. Teleflora delivers bouquets and plants on the same day that you place your order.

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Exclusive Deal: New Customers - Save $10 on $50+ bouquets. .

Latest promo: New Customers - Save $10 on $50+ Bouquets. .
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About Teleflora

With Teleflora, you can order flowers and gift baskets online, and have them delivered by local florists. Sending flowers is easy with Teleflora. They take pride in providing high quality, fresh-cut flowers and fast, reliable flower delivery options for their customers. Not only will you get a beautiful, expert floral arrangement or bouquet – you will also get excellent customer service and hand-delivery! At Teleflora, they have been providing high quality services that make people smile for the last 78 years. Our member florists hand pick an assortment of beautiful flowers and create your arrangement at a local flower shop.


Flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion. With Teleflora, you can get themed floral arrangements, including fun birthday bouquets, Mother's Day arrangements, and romantic Valentine's Day bouquets. Teleflora delivers anywhere in the United States and too many international locations.

Teleflora Products

  • Flower Bouquets
  • Gift Baskets
  • Business Gifts
  • Green Plants
  • Orchids and Tropical Plants
  • Housewarming Gifts
  • And many, many more gift choices!

Top Deals

  1. Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage Now $49.95
  2. Passionate Purple Tulips Now $42.95
  3. Violets and Butterflies Now $44.95
  4. Spring Sonata Now $39.95
  5. Teleflora’s Upsy Daisy Now $29.99

Teleflora Product

Usage of Coupon Codes

Redeeming your Coupon Code on the Teleflora site is easy. Simply:

  • Shop for all your favorite Teleflora products, starting from the product categories along the top of the page.
  • To purchase a product, choose your bouquet size, any extras you might desire to be sent with the flowers and then select the recipient’s zip code and desired delivery date. Then click Continue.
  • You are now at your Shopping Cart page. You can continue shopping by clicking the link on the lower left of the page, or simply choose from the categories at the top of the page once again. You can return to the Shopping Cart at any time by clicking on My Cart in the upper right corner of the page.
  • On the Shopping Cart page, review your ordered products. You can then checkout directly with PayPal or Visa Checkout. Or, continue with a standard checkout by clicking on Checkout Now.
  • Next, enter the recipient address, email address, and phone number.
  • Choose what kind of card you would like to include with your product, and add a personalized message. Click Continue to Billing.
  • Now enter your payment information. Teleflora accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, PayPal, and Visa Checkout.
  • At the end of the payment information section, you can enter your Promotion Code in the available box. Enter your Coupon Code, then click on Recalculate to see your discount!
  • Finally review your order information, then finalize your order by clicking on Place My Order.

Check out the video below for floral tips from expert florist Carol Caggiano! Subscribe to the Teleflora channel on YouTube to watch fun videos like their Bouquet Commander series, advice on how to care for your products, and feel-good stories.

Loyalty Programs

Teleflora offers enrollment in the Teleflora Rewards program to give their shoppers $15 discounts for every 150 points earned, bonus points with special offers, sneak previews of new products, exclusive discounts on current products, and free automatic gift email reminders.

Teleflora Customer Support

Most consumer questions can be answered by visiting the Teleflora Customer Service Portal, there, you can find information on payments, order status, website questions. The Troubleshooter wizard can walk you through your Teleflora questions to find your answer quickly and easily!

Teleflora Shipping Policy

Teleflora specializes in delivering their products the same day! Orders received before 3pm in the recipient’s time zone can be delivered the same day you place the order. Alternate arrangements can be made as needed. Check out ProFlowers for similar coupons and deals.

Refund requests can be made by submitting a request email from their Customer Service portal. Teleflora aims for you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.

Teleflora on Social Media

Contact Teleflora

P.O. Box 60910
Los Angeles
CA 90060-0910

Customer Care: 1-800-835-3356
E-Mail: [email protected]