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About Synflex
Brought to you by the makers of Synflex, Viva! ACAI is big health news! Most of us are a little careless about our nutrition habits. we know that we should be eating more fruits and vegetables but we just don’t do it. Fortunately, nature has brought us a new breed of nutrition and a simple solution with super fruits.
Viva! Acai is loaded with essential vitamins and incredible antioxidant power. In fact, Acai and Pomegranate are the top two super fruits in the world. It’s a powerful jolt of nutrition and antioxidant benefits. In studies published in the Journal of Food Science (May 2007), University of Florida researcher and dietitian Gail Rampersaud reported on her studies of the nutrient density of 100% fruit juices. While this study is good in and of itself, she did not include phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are the organic compounds found in superfruits such as those found in Viva! Acai. It is notable that these top two super fruits are rich in antioxidants and anthocyanin, a phytonutrient that provides enormous health potential. Acai is now the #1 superfruit in the world and it is generating a lot of publicity in leading publications and in televised reports. Given the large and growing body of clinical evidence that supports the health values associated with using Pomegranate. Also check HCG Drops Direct has featured products that have ample of health benefits. You can also avail discounts using HCG Drops Direct coupon for some extra savings.
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