Parcel bound Coupons & Promo Codes 2025


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Frugaa > Stores > : 3 Active Coupons Found

Exclusive Parcel bound Deal: 30 Days Free @ Parcel Bound .

Latest Parcel bound promo: Up To 75% Off International Shipping .

Exclusive Parcel bound Deal: Membership Fee For $5 .

About Parcel bound

Your # 1 USA package forwarding website, Parcel bound, allow you to buy items from your favorite USA website stores, while saving you up to 75% on international shipping costs. They have some extra ordinary features to root for:

Free consolidation services: we take all your items and consolidate them into as few boxes as possible to save you even more money on international shipping costs. Personal shopper service: use our personal shopper service and we purchase items on your behalf saving you time and making your USA shopping experience easier. Save up to 75% on international shipping costs: we partner up with multiple shipping carriers like dhl, fedex, usps to save our customers up to 75% on international shipping costs. Multiple membership plan choices: depending on your shipping needs we offer different membership plan choices from free plans to paid plans that are tailored to your USA shopping and international shipping needs.

One of the top services we offers is the ability to customers to submit consolidation requests, where we then consolidate all your items into as few boxes as possible, this allows customers to save on international shipping costs even more. Start shopping and saving money on your favorite items by buying them in the USA. The Lexington by Vantage also offers some great services with regular discounts and exclusive discount codes such as Lexington by Vantage coupon.
