Hipknoties Coupons & Promo Codes 2025


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Frugaa > Stores > : 3 Active Coupons Found

Exclusive Hipknoties Deal: Refer A Friend & Get $10 Off .

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About Hipknoties

Wanting to keep Hipknoties a “Made in America” company, Sarah Levenson Yonover, owner and creator of Hipknoties used her professional contacts from her earlier years in the apparel industry, to source the right LA-based manufacturers for her fast developing fashion line. Hipknoties clients love the simplicity and versatility of the line and love how they look in a Hipknoties. It is well on its way to be the next generation of units and multiples from the 80’s. Endorsed by Susanna Negovan (Editor in Chief Splash, Chicago Sun Times) and Wendi Cassuto (Associate Publisher Conde Nast Traveler), Hipknoties is a fashion revolution for the savvy modern woman.

It is a patent pending, innovative, unique and versatile multipurpose garment that can fit all women in all aspects of a women's life. From the mountains to the beaches, from the office to a cocktail party. one Garment 30 ways! You can also check for other stores for specific requirements like intimate wear and get discounts on your buy using LingerieMart coupons.
