FixMeStick Coupons & Promo Codes 2025
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About FixMeStick
FixMeStick was started offline in 2011 as a veterans of the computer security industry. Marty Algire and Corey Velan created a product that simplified the problem so many of their family and friends were facing exclusively removing computer viruses. The purpose of the company is to provide a virus removal solution for non-technical people so that it is easy to use, incredibly effective, and provides the best value in terms of time and money. They started their online business in 2013 with most of the customers being Canadian. In 2014, they were awarded for CBC programs - Dragon’s Den! (Shark Tank is the American equivalent) Dragon’s Den gave amazing exposure. Not only this, they have released a major update to multi-scanner that removed Kaspersky's antivirus engine and added the McAfee anti-virus engine. With McAfee, they also start using the Global Threat Information system which will give the FixMeStick faster response to file reputation information. If you are looking for great discount on cartridges you can always shop by using 1ink com discount code and MiniSuit coupon for huge savings.
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