ArtistWorks Coupons & Promo Codes 2025


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Latest ArtistWorks promo: Learn Music Online @ ArtistWorks .

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Exclusive ArtistWorks Deal: Learn Jazz Guitar Online .

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New ArtistWorks free shipping offer: 10% off QSU Membership. .

About ArtistWorks

ArtistWorks is dedicated to providing anyone, anywhere in the world with affordable, interactive access to some of the greatest music teachers in the world. Their mission is to "Teach the World Music". ArtistWorks' patented Video Exchange® Learning Platform connects master teachers with enthusiastic players in an industry unique social online learning environment where each interaction becomes a learning experience for all. Their goal is to provide the most comprehensive music education destination available online.

In 2008, former AOL executive David Butler set out to finally master jazz guitar. With no acceptable teachers in his area, he and Patricia Butler eventually built a revolutionary online platform that enables anyone with an Internet connection to get ongoing, personal feedback from one of their hand-selected virtuoso teachers, on their own schedule, at their own pace. Today, ArtistWorks, Inc. hosts over 50,000 video lessons, features 35 teachers, and has taught tens of thousands of students from over 80 countries. Speaking of influence, the Southeastern Medical Supply is a South Carolina-based company that was formed especially to provide customers with savings on a broad selection of high quality, competitively priced innovative health and wellness products. They have special offers which can be availed using Southeastern Medical Supply coupons.
