10 Lifestyle Changes that Will Help You To Lose Weight

December 3, 2014 Frugaa Blog


With Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and countless other celebrations around the corner, many of us are in panic mode about how we plan to maintain our weight through the holiday season, let alone lose weight. For people trying to lose those extra pounds, there is a daily struggle dealing with busy schedules, temptations, and lack of motivation. Here are some easy tips you can use to get a jump start on your weight loss journey, and you don’t need to wait until January 1st to begin!

Lose Weight

Plan Ahead – When you don’t have a plan is when you’re most likely to forget to eat or give in to temptations, both of which can lead to weight gain. Use one day a week, whatever works with your schedule, as a shopping and preparation day for the entire week. Wash and cut all your veggies and store them in zip-lock bags, make sure you know which nights of the week you will be out so that you can plan healthy, home cooked meals the rest of the week. We can never fully account for the unexpected, but if you have a general outline of your eating plan for the week, you are bound to make better choices that lead toward weight loss.

Pre-package Snacks – Along with planning ahead, on your shopping day store all your snacks for the week in pre-packaged baggies so that you can grab and go. It’ll make you feel less guilty than a drive-thru hunger attack and will save you a ton of time.

Buy “Whole Grain” and Avoid Refined Carbohydrates – In other words, things like white bread, white rice, flour of any kind; these foods turn into sugar when they hit your body and make your blood sugar spike, which leads to an unsatisfied feeling and hunger, and ultimately engage your body in such a way that it holds on to and stores fat cells. Opt instead for anything that says “whole grain,” because this means the grain hasn’t been processed and leads to healthy digestion. Whole grain is always better than whole wheat, which is a modified version of the grain as well, but whole wheat is always better than the refined alternative. Eating whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa and brown rice will give you energy, keep you satiated, and provide natural health benefits that aid in weight loss.

Control Your Portions – While it’s no fun to measure everything to an exact science, keeping control of not only what but how much food you put on your plate can make a big difference in your waist size. Use a smaller plate than usual to trick the eye into thinking you have a full plate and cut you off from a second helping.

Limit your “Takeout” Nights – People who dine out regularly have a harder time losing weight. Allow yourself a night out without feeling guilt about it, but plan ahead so you’re not stopping for that last minute pizza mid-week. Invest in a slow cooker, which is a great way for busy people to have home cooked meals every day of the week.

Up Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake – With everything you eat add a fruit or vegetable. This is a good rule of thumb to get your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs and keeping you full on quality foods.

Take a Fitness Class – Check out Groupon, Living Social or other coupon sites to see what fitness centers in your area are offering discount classes each month. Try new things like spin, Zumba, Crossfit or even Pole Dancing by keeping it fresh and taking advantage of local fitness deals.

Fitness Class

Engage Actively with Family and Friends – Rather than a movie every weekend, get out there and enjoy the fall. Go apple picking, rock climbing, go for a hike, bring the dog to a dog park with the whole family. Start changing your and your family’s lifestyle to that of a more active person.

Put Away the Electronics – Being on our smartphones and tablets all the time leads to boredom, lack of planning, lack of discipline, and cranky attitudes. Put it away for extended periods of time and enjoy your time with the people you love; this will aid in caring about your health and well-being.

Have a Positive Outlook on Life – Studies have shown that people who suffer from depression are more likely to gain weight or have difficulty losing weight. If you’re struggling with lack of motivation and negative thoughts about yourself or your life, let your primary care doctor know and find a therapist to talk to, medication to manage your thoughts, or ideas of how to handle moments when struggling with positivity and motivation.